Maximum Support for Fully Restored Smiles
Whether you’ve been wearing dentures for years or are considering your options when it comes to choosing the right method of tooth replacement, the team at AZ Smile Design has the solution for you. If accidental slippage and an uncomfortable prosthetic are causing you to want something more permanent, you will be pleased to know that we proudly offer our patients All-on-4 in Sun City West. Relying only on four dental implants to support your customized denture, you can enjoy improved functionality and oral health as well as prosthetics that can last a lifetime. Not to mention, with All-on-4, it may be possible for you to start living your best life with new teeth the same day as your surgery! Contact our office today to find out how we can help you take the next step to a stronger, healthier smile.

How Do All-On-4 Implants Work?
Unlike traditional dental implants in Sun City West that require between 6 and 8 posts, All-on-4 uses four implants that must be surgically implanted into your jawbone. Your dentist will find the densest areas, as these will be the locations for your implants, ensuring they provide maximum support to your denture. Partnering with the best specialists in the area, your oral surgeon will place two implants toward the back of your mouth and angle them at 45 degrees. The other two will be placed toward the front. This will ensure you have a firm foundation for your prosthetic as well as prevent any possibility of needing a bone graft.
Because the implants are surgically placed into your jawbone, these posts will act like tooth roots, continuing to stimulate your jawbone each time you chew or bite down.

Am I a Candidate for All-On-4 Implants?
If you’ve been turned down for traditional dental implants or simply want a faster way to a fully restored smile, All-on-4 might be for you. Only until you have a consultation with your implant dentist in Sun City West will you know for sure if you are eligible, but after reviewing your oral cavity and facial structure using advanced dental technology, we can easily determine if you will receive the green light for treatment.
Worried your jawbone won’t be strong enough for surgery? That’s one of the great benefits of All-on-4! Because only four implants are used, your dentist can identify the densest areas to ensure optimal support for your denture.
But you will need to commit to proper oral hygiene once your implants are firmly in place as well as agree to give up bad lifestyle habits that can hinder the success of your implant placement (i.e., poor oral health, smoking, gum disease, eating ice, using your teeth as tools).

What Are the Benefits of All-On-4 Implants?
The benefits that come with All-on-4 are hard to overlook. When compared to other traditional tooth replacement options, you simply cannot beat the longevity, functionality, and permanence that come with All-on-4. Other great advantages you can expect from this type of treatment include:
Implants that fused with your jawbone. This creates a permanent fixture within your mouth that allows for a firm and solid foundation. Your denture is then affixed to your implants, making it easier than ever to maintain optimal oral hygiene.
Most cases see a 90-95% success rate after 10 years.
You can enjoy greater oral health because your implants will continue to stimulate your jawbone and prevent facial changes from occurring.
Your bite force and chewing power will significantly improve, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about your prosthetics falling out.
All-on-4 implants are designed to blend in naturally and fit comfortably within your mouth.

All-On-4 vs. Traditional Dental Implants
Are All-on-4 and traditional dental implants the same? No, they are not. While they may work similarly, there are substantial differences that ultimately lead many people to choose the former method of treatment. Here are just a few of the differences:
- All-on-4 only requires the use of four posts, whereas traditional dental implants often require 6-8. Not only does this require you to undergo more extensive surgery, but you’ll also spend more on your treatment.
- There is no need to undergo a bone graft when receiving All-on-4 because of how your implant dentist will angle them in your jawbone. When planning, your dentist will map out the densest areas of your bone to ensure maximum support.
- With All-on-4, you can enjoy new teeth the same day as your surgery. With regular dental implants, you must wait 3-6 months before receiving your customized restoration.