May 2, 2023
Need help figuring out how to prevent TMJ dysfunction and pain? Well before proceeding, one should know what the symptoms of TMJ pain are. The usual signs and symptoms are: Discomfort in the jaw or temporomandibular joints are tender. Difficulty in chewing. Sometimes the pain around the ear is intense. Clicking sound and if the joint becomes locked, it worsens the pain and mouth unable to close and open. So it is necessary to check the signs before it gets too late and prevent dysfunction and pain.
Some of the essential techniques to avoid TMJ discomfort are below:
Avoiding the Stress:
Many people have found meditation, yoga, and massage to be soothing. TMJ dysfunction arises if the jaw clenches or grinds the teeth frequently, and it is thought to be increased by stress.
Avoiding the specific actions:
Sometimes, some particular activities cause the mouth to open or close in unusual manners, like chewing hard or crusty foods, yawning, grinding, and chewing gum for a prolonged period.
Control bad habits:
Sometimes, when a person is busy doing something, they may bite their nails or chewing anything which is not meant to eat like a pencil, pen, etc. Similarly, some people chewed their lips and cheeks or resting their jaw on any surface, like on a table. If one becomes habitual, it will ultimately result in pain and discomfort.
See your chewing style:
Many of us chew our food on one side of our mouth, and it becomes a manner and can cause discomfort and joint dysfunction by overstretching one side of the temporomandibular joint and surrounding muscles. Thus, it is necessary to use both sides while chewing.
Correcting the posture:
A faulty posture for daily life routine can cause TMJ pain and much more adverse effects on health. Maintaining good posture and restricted slouching consequently results in healthy jaw muscles.
A hot pack or Ice packs:
For few minutes, apply an ice pack to the affected area. For some people, it is found that hot and ice packs for few minutes provide more help.
TMJ Therapy and Treatment:
Therapy can help in recognize and prevent the circumstances and habits that worsen the pain. Grinding teeth or clenching, resting on the chin, and chewing fingernails are all examples. TMJ disorders do have a favorable prognosis since most people can control them with self-care. But, in extreme cases, jaw exercises, mouthguards, Botox injections, medicines, and surgery are used to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.
Jaw exercises:
Like every muscle, jaw muscles also need exercise. Even if you don't have a problem with your jaw, Jaw muscle exercises can assist you from getting TMJ pain. So with this purpose, three kinds of exercises are recommended. The stretch exercises relieve muscular and joint stress for a more extended period. The strengthening exercises enhance the jaw's range of motion and strengthen the jaw muscles. The relaxing exercises allow better movement of the mouth and also relaxed the muscles.
A mouth guard might assist with TMJ discomfort if it is caused by teeth grinding or clenching. A TMJ specialist would generally prescribe and fit this device.
Jaw surgery:
In extreme situations, surgery may require to treat TMJ pain. TMJ arthroscopy, also known as arthrocentesis, is a minimally invasive surgery that is often performed.
Botox injections:
A TMJ specialist can get help by using Botox injections to relax the jaw muscles. Though, this is not an FDA-approved therapy for TMJ.
If you are experiencing TMJD and are looking for a dentist, look no further! Dr. Kevin Mueller of Arizona Smile Design is an expert dentist with decades of experience helping patients overcome TMJ disorders and disfunction as well as all your general dentistry needs.